World’s Highest Centenarian Populations Map

Map by Statista

This world map shows the countries that have the highest percentage of a centenarian population, or people who are 100 years of age or older.

Eight countries and territories are marked on the map: three from the Americas (Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Uruguay), three from Europe (Spain, France, and Italy), and two from Asia (Hong Kong and Japan). All of them have recorded at least 1,000 centenarians each.

Citing data from the United Nations Population Division, Statista notes that among these countries, Japan has the most number of 100-year-old folk, at 79,000. This makes the Land of the Rising Sun the nation with “the highest share of centenarians relative to population”, at 0.6 percent of the country’s 126 million people. 

The United States actually has more centenarians than any other country, 97,000 of them to be exact. However, this is only around 0.29 percent of America’s total population of over 330 million.

What does it feel like to be living 100 years? Check these books to find out:

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