A “World Tour” Map: Where Do Musicians Usually Go To?

This world map shows where musicians usually perform whenever they announce a “world tour”, based on the map maker’s analysis of more than 300 concerts from over 200 singers and bands. After listening to your favorite music through your preferred music player or app (such as Spotify), you pretty much want to see these singers … Read more

World Flood Risk Map

The above map of the world shows how floods can be devastating to the population of each country.  The Countries With The Highest Flood Risk This study of 188 countries published by Nature Communications, as visualized by the business website Visual Capitalist, lists two categories:  Countries exposed to floods ranked by the percentage of the … Read more

World Press Freedom Index 2021

This world map depicts the World Press Freedom Index for the year 2021, as compiled by Reporters Without Borders. Norway tops the list, with an index score of 6.72. Its neighbors Finland and Sweden rank second and third, respectively.  Most of the top entries, marked in white and yellow, come from Europe. The United States, … Read more

World’s Gasoline Prices Map

This world map shows the cost of fuel in each country during the year 2012. Each price is determined per gallon in U.S. dollars. At just six cents a gallon, Venezuela has the cheapest gasoline price in the world. Conversely, Norway’s gas prices are the most expensive, at $9.38 per gallon. In fact, European countries … Read more

World’s Highest Performing Healthcare Systems

This world map depicts the countries that have the best- and worst-performing healthcare systems, as ranked by the World Health Organization. The countries deemed as having the best healthcare sector are shaded in dark blue. These include a number of countries in Europe, some island nations off the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as … Read more

Global Plastic Waste Emission Map

This world map shows the countries that contribute the most plastic in our oceans during the year 2019. The Philippines has the most plastic waste emitted, at 36 percent. Seven of the country’s rivers also contributed the most plastic waste. Asia is the continent with the most plastic waste emission, at over 80 percent. You … Read more

World’s Bike Helmet Laws Map

This world map shows how each country regulates the use of helmets when riding a bicycle. Many of the world’s countries do not have legal restrictions in donning safety helmets. Other countries have rules of varying degrees concerning these life-saving gears. Bike helmets are completely mandatory in only a few countries, including Argentina, Finland, Namibia, … Read more

World’s Most Spoken Languages Map

This illustrated world map shows the most commonly spoken languages in major parts of the world. English is the most spoken language, with over 1 billion users. However, Babbel notes that English only ranks third in terms of native speakers (over 370 million people), but is the most-used as a second language (over 750 million … Read more

World’s Parliament Seating Arrangements Map

This world map shows how each country’s legislature is seated. Depending on a nation’s parliament, congress, or the like, there are five seating arrangements observed: a semicircle, a horseshoe, a circle, opposing benches, and a classroom. For instance, the United States House of Representatives applies a semicircle layout. The United Kingdom, meanwhile, has an opposing … Read more

Ground Plan: Floor Plan of the World

Shown above is an artwork entitled “Ground Plan”, created by Australian artist Louisa Bufardeci. The installation is based on the population of each country in the world, and how it will look if it were modeled like a house’s interior blueprint.  This model of the world is on display in the Museum of Contemporary Art … Read more