New Zealand Shaded Relief Map

Map by Visual Geomatics

This is a map of New Zealand showing its various land features.

The Commonwealth nation has a total land area of 103,798 square miles (268,838 square kilometers), according to ThoughtCo’s profile on the country.

The North Island mostly has lowlands, hence the vast blue shade on the map. There are, however, two major mountain ranges in the northern part of the country. Two major cities are located in the North: Auckland and the capital Wellington.

Meanwhile, the South Island is more mountainous, depicted by the dominant red in the area. Britannica notes that along the vast Southern Alps mountain range are multiple peaks towering at 10,000 feet (3,000 meters). It includes the country’s highest mountain, Mount Cook/Aoraki located in the island’s west, which stands at 12,316 ft (3,754 m).

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