Germany Map: 1988 East Germany’s Depiction of West Berlin

The map below shows the German capital city of Berlin, as seen in the eyes of East Germany back in the year 1988. As you can see, the left half of Berlin is blanked out. But why is this so? Before the reunification of Germany in 1990, the country was split into two, West Germany … Read more

Germany Map: Territorial Losses (1919-1945)

The map above shows the territories that were lost from Germany in the years 1919 through 1945. The areas marked yellow on the map are the territories that Germany was forced to give away by virtue of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. These former German-controlled areas were handed over to fellow European nations such as … Read more

East & West Germany Map: Berlin Wall Border Division

  The map above shows the division of Germany. For many decades, the country was divided into two: East and West Germany. The two were separated through an impassable border named the Iron Curtain. East Germany, known officially as the German Democratic Republic (GDR), was formed in 1949 under the rule of the communist Soviet … Read more