U.S. 7-Eleven Locations Map

Map by ScrapeHero

Shown above is a map of the United States and the areas of the country with outlets of the convenience store chain 7-Eleven.

Data scraping company ScrapeHero notes that within the U.S., there are more than 8,900 branches of 7-Eleven, across over 2,000 cities in 37 U.S. states and territories.

The state of California has more 7-Eleven stores than any other state. The Golden State has over 1,700 locations, accounting for 19 percent of all 7-Eleven outlets in America.

Texas comes in second, with more than 1,200 outlets, and Florida in third place with just over 900 stores. 

The city of Las Vegas in Nevada is the city with the most 7-Eleven outlets, with 150 of them serving the city’s residents and guests.

On the map, it can be seen that store locations are prominent in the western, southern, and eastern states, and less in the central and Mountain states. Despite this, a total of 19 U.S. states and territories do not have a single 7-Eleven store. Interestingly, all American 7-Eleven shops are located only within the mainland U.S. 

These books examine the success of 7-Eleven and convenience stores in general:

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