Romania Shaded Relief Map

Map by Visual Geomatics

This is a map of Romania, a country in southeastern Europe. On the map, Romania’s landforms are colored like the country’s flag. The lowlands are in blue and the high mountains are in red. Areas with a 250 to 500-meter elevation, such as plains and plateaus, are marked in yellow.

According to Romania Tourism, part of the Carpathian Mountains range can be found in Romania. It is the reverse L-shaped red area on the map, in the central part of the country. Three separate ranges divide the mountains, and they consist of different terrain. The mountains can also be enjoyed by those who wish to do fun mountain-related activities, in addition to skiing.

Britannica notes that the highest peaks in Romania are Mounts Moldoveanu and Negoiu. Each of them is standing at over 8,000 feet (about 2,500 meters) above sea level. Both of them are located within the Southern Carpathians, also known as the Transylvanian Alps.

Be sure to check out these books before setting a future trip to Romania:

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